età 18 umano medio (1,80 m / 80 kg)
iniziativa +5
sensi acrobatics +1, arcana +10, athletics +0, bluff +1, diplomacy +5, dungeoneering +2, endurance +4, heal +2, history +10, insight +2 (+12), nature +2, perception +7 (+17), religion +10, search +1, streetwise +1, thievery +1
9 str
16 con
10 dex
18 int
13 wis
10 cha
hp 30, ac 16, fort 16, ref 17, will 16
speed 6
px 1320
race feature
- human perseverance
- weapon preference: staff
class / path / destiny features
- staff of defense
- ritual casting
- expanded spellbook
- improved initiative
languages: common, elven
powers at will
- ghost sound
- light
- mage hand
- prestidigitation
- magic missile
- scorching burst
- ray of frost
encounter powers
- ray of enfeeblement
daily powers
- sleep
- acid arrows
- freezing cloud
- Tenser’s floating disk
- make whole
- secret page
staff, standard adventurer kit, 101 gp, 4 sp, 50 gp Alchemical Reagents (Arcana), weight 45/90/180/450